
So……… God is being quiet. At first I thought I was being stubborn and not listening to God. (Like I have done many a time.) I kept trying to break the wall until my dad reminded me of that famous quote,
“Remember the teacher is always quiet during a test.”
Now I don’t believe the silence is my fault. God is testing me. I believe He’s trying to see if I will apply what I’ve learned. So far ,I believe I’ve done well, but can I just say that it stinks to have him quiet! I mean at a time where I feel like I need his guidance and wisdom the most He’s silent. Why??? I want to sit and hold my breath until He starts talking to me, but then I remember who I serve. My God is not a God that gives you everything you desire nor one that spoon feeds us what we need. When you pray for patience God isn’t a genie who goes “BAM” and then you have patience. No, He teaches you how to have patience and then He gives you times where you get to apply it. He also wants to see how much we will obey Him when He’s not there giving us all the answers. I also believe God pulls away and becomes silent to see what we will do. Will we run back to Him or will we feel pretty good out on our own and ignore him. Since the beginning of human creation God has given us free will. He wanted a relationship with us not a robot. He didn’t want to force us to love Him but to choose Him. When He pulls away He wants to see if we will choose Him. Think of it as a texting conversation with someone whom you are always texting first. You always start the conversation and you’re not sure if they really want to talk to you or if they are just talking to them because you reached out to them. What do you do? You don’t text them. You “test” them and see what they will do. See if they will think of you and text you first. This is the same with God. He is ALWAYS there for us. Through every single circumstance good or bad. Whether you just had your first baby or you just found out your mother died. No matter what He is there. We just have to always choose HIm.


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