Honesty Begets Honesty

In my last blog I was super honest with people! I was really expecting backlash and people thinking I was depressed…. But that’s not what happened! It is by far my most popular post ever!!! I woke up Saturday morning and saw the page views and almost squealed! There are over 450!!! AHHHH!!!!! There is no question that when you follow God he blesses you. I’m so happy! I still can’t believe it! But……it does have me thinking……...what was so special about my last post?


On a daily basis how often are we actually honest with one another? For real think about it. How about ourselves? Are you also honest with yourself? If you’re like me, you are rarely honest. Not because you are trying to lie, but because you’re afraid. Afraid someone will judge you rudely, Afraid you being vulnerable will make you weak. Afraid people don’t care and that you’ll just be bothering them. Fear is what keeps us from growing as a society.

Have you ever heard of just one man or woman changing the world by lying? Or ever heard of one man or woman changing the world by themselves without followers? Well I for sure haven’t. All the people I know who have changed the world, Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Walt Disney etc... All these people changed their society, country, world by being honest and by putting themselves out there! Not one of them woke up one day and was just famous for doing nothing. They went out into the world let their dreams be heard. MLK would never had gone anywhere if he didn’t put his heart and life on the line. Because of me being honest I was able to reach people I normally wouldn’t have! I had people message me and tell me their stories or comment and we were able to bond and I now have a relationship with people I haven’t even met.

I challenge you to be honest. Whether it’s your friends, family, or people you just met. When they ask how you’re doing really think about it before you answer. Also be honest with yourself. If you can’t do something don’t push yourself and then end up hurting yourself more in the future whether physically. If we want to see change, we have to change. If we want to be unified, we have to vulnerable.


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