Normal?? What is this??



The word contains 6 letters, 2 symbols, and is strived for by every human being on this earth. There is no fancy spelling or complexity to its formation and yet somehow it always grabs our attention. We live in a society where individualism is praised as long as it fits into what I believe is “ok.” We are lied and force fed the propaganda that everyone can be themselves, but you still must fit into my box.

As a child one of my favorite stories was, “The Ugly Duckling.” and it continues to have depth even as I'm an adult. The Ugly Duckling didn’t look like everyone else, and thus his (I think it was a boy at least) family rejected him. Little did they know that he wasn’t done growing and as he grew older he became a beautiful swan. The “Ugly” Swan’s family then decided he was awesome and that they loved him, but did they really?

If you google baby swan photos you’re going to be staring at adorable, balls of fluff. They don’t look weird, have a third wing, or look much different than ducks. They just aren't ducks.

As a society we are the swan’s family. We see something different and reject it immediately. Without even giving it a chance we kick it to the curb. Unless we see it as popular or trendy we could care less about it. The worst part is, its normally not objects or things we reject or throwaway, but people….

Now don’t even think about arguing to me, because we’ve all been there. We see someone different and we destroy who they are. Whether it’s the down syndrome kid down the hall, the girl who comes to school in funky outfits, or the deaf classmate. If they don’t fit into the system, then they must be broken not the other way around. WE humans are self-centered, egotistical, fame seeking monsters.

Have you ever caught crabs? Or watched them be cooked? They all want to make it out, but only them. No one else can make it out. They will pull another crab down just to make sure it doesn't get out. I (we) am (are) just like the crabs.

When I see that someone else is getting more attention than me, I become jealous and look for ways to gain attention. Whether I do it consciously or sub-consciously it doesn’t matter I still do it. In a time were the world is at its most divided we should be lifting others up, not tearing them down and ostracizing them. Everyone is unique. No one fits in a box perfectly. Just like how no two snowflakes are alike, the same goes for people. Next time, talk to the down syndrome kid. He needs a friend just like you do. Ask the girl why she chooses the unique clothes? Maybe she'll be the next top fashionista. The deaf kid is trickier I admit, but I’m sure she can read. Write her a message or try and learn sign. I bet you’ll make her smile.

No politician is going to change the world. We will.

In the comments, whether it’s on this page or on the link that led you here, please write something that makes you unique. Not an illness because that’s not you. Something emotional. I’ll start.

 I’m unique because I want to get married and have kids right out of high school. (Now I just need to find a girl.)


  1. I'm unique in that I am really intelligent. I'm not trying to brag because I believe everyone has their own sets of talents and special traits. I've had people specifically make comments about how I am so smart and they are so stupid, as if they are trying to rub it in or make me feel bad about myself. That's really irritating. I try hard not to rub it in or downplay on someone else. People sometimes ostracize based on any difference. Maybe they do it out of jealousy or to knock others down to make themselves seem better. I know. I used to do the latter, but I thank God for helping me to change that around. I might make a mistake and slip up, but His grace covers me, then I've got to go apologize to Him and those I've hurt...

    I wanted to share one Bible verse that is one of my favorites. I think it fits very well with this post. It is Psalms 139:14 (the whole chapter is quite self-affirming too). "I will praise thee [God]; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." (KJV)

    God made each and every one of us wonderfully. We are not mistakes. We are beautiful, perfectly created the way God wanted us to be.


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