Timing is Everything

IT’S OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could actually care less that it’s October. I am only excited because October is…*drum roll please*… DYSAUTONOMIA AWARENESS MONTH!!!! For this whole month I get to raise awareness with all my other Dysautonomians. Some of y’all may know that I am selling bracelets for 2 dollars to help raise awareness and to raise money for research (Link to the post about the bracelets will be at the bottom.), but y’all don’t know why.

No, it is not because I want to be cured, that would be cool, but it’s not the reason.

I’m doing it because God asked me to. When I was about 3 God put on my heart that I would become sick with something terrible and that through it I was supposed to raise awareness and shine Him through it all.

Now it probably sounds strange for a 3-year-old to hear that but nonetheless it is true. The funny part is I didn’t tell anyone about it. Me. I actually didn’t tell anyone. I am he biggest chatterbox in the world! I tell people everything! Yet I didn’t tell anyone about what I had felt God tell me. Why?

I personally think it’s because it wasn’t time. If I had told my parents they may have told me I was a hypochondriac, which would have caused even more problems. God works things out in His own time, and if we “jump the gun” we can ruin it. He has mapped out every aspect of our lives even before we were born. DO WE REALIZE HOW FREAKING COOL THAT IS!?!? Trillions of people have lived on this earth and God had a plan and a purpose for each and every one of them. When He asks us to wait, it’s probably because that’s the best thing even if we don’t see it. We have to trust that above all things God has it! The fact is that it boils down to one thing: He’s either God or He’s not. We can choose to trust Him in all things or not at all. It’s just like how Jesus’ said, “If only you were hot or cold but instead you are lukewarm.” Kaleb’s Paraphrasing 10:2. We can be hot and trust Him or we can be cold and not.

I ended up telling my mom about what God had said to me when I was little a month before I became sick…Yeah…at the time it seemed like bad timing, but actually it was perfect! (Thus God is God) Because I “prophesied” about my illness, it reminded my mom and me that God has bigger plans for me. I had to remember what God told me before the trial during the trials. So help me fulfill the plan God has for me. To find out how to purchase the bracelets simply follow this link https://www.facebook.com/DysautonomianWarrior/# Thank you. 

Do not doubt in the darkness, what God told you in the light
~Michelle Duggar

My God is not defined by my perception of my circumstances
~Susan Proctor


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