Now what???
Five months I've been searching for an answer. Five months I've gone to doctor on top of doctor. Five months I've prayed to know what's wrong. Now that I have been answered it's time for the rubber to meet the road.
Autonomic Disorder, or more commonly know as Dysautonomia, is where the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) forgets what it's supposed to do. The ANS controls all the involuntary systems in the body i.e. breathing, heart rate, blood volume, pulse etc…. Being diagnosed with Dysautonomia means my ANS system is basically freaking out. This normally occurs after a traumatic incident or after a severe cold and is mostly common in women. (Lucky me!) Very little is actually know about Dysautonomia due to limited funding for research which breaks my heart. Not just for myself but for the thousands of other people all across the world who have it and are pushed aside. It is a chronic illness that many have to just pray they will out grow.
When I received this answer a lot of people were excited for me. They thought that this meant I was on the road to recovery, that from here everything would look up. Sadly, this is not the case. The road of Dysautonomia is a long downhill stretch. Until you grow out of the symptoms they just get worse. Once you find a way to get one symptom under control another one surfaces and the process restarts. Once one is diagnosed with Dysautonomia they are normally diagnosed with other disorders such as POTS, (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) EDS, (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) Sjogrens, and many others... To be honest, I’m scared. I know that this life ahead of me is destined for hardship, but I know blessings will also be tenfold. I am so thankful for an answer, but now I’m scared to be content. Once I become content, I know something else will happen to shake my world. Last time I was content, my dream of becoming a professional dancer who traveled the world was taken away from me. I feel if I become content again another dream will be taken. I’m tired of my world being shaken. After five months of confusion and slamming doors, I don’t know what my life will be like now.
I’m not saying this all to bum you out but to educate you. I am in the minority. My voice has power now! Ever since I was little I knew something like this would happen. Call it God or just fear-either way I feel prepared. I want to bring light to this disorder. I want Dysautonomia to be as commonly known as the flu.
God has pushed me in this direction, therefore; I have decided to start this page.
I am Dysautonomian.
I love Dysautonomian!!