Gotta Speak Up

Ok so I am a firm believer in if I don’t say anything then I can’t be disappointed if things go wrong. With that said……………...
This election is probably the worst choices ever. On one side, we have a lying cheat who can’t tell the truth even if she wanted, and on the other we have a financial tycoon with the mouth of a sailor. I can’t believe this what we are left. It is basically like asking me if I want to watch Barney or Telletubies for an hour. There is no good decision. But a decision must be made. In America, we are given a voice. It may be a small one, but it is there. Too many of my friends have said that they will just not vote because they don’t like the decisions or they say they will do a write in vote.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but neither of those are good choices. Not voting makes you silent. It gives you no voice. So when things go wrong, you can’t be angry. It’s like your mom gives you the choice of broccoli or green beans and you choose to starve.  And then doing a write in is a vote for the other side. It’s the same way as your mom offering you broccoli or green beans and you go and sneak a cookie—it isn’t healthy.

I hope this doesn’t sound harsh but………. FOR REAL!!! PULL UP YOUR PANTS AND BE AN ADULT! You want to know why the world is in the shape it is? Because people didn’t let their voice be heard. I will not let that continue to happen. I don’t care whether your voting Republican or Democrat. Just vote. Our founding fathers through persecution created a society where our voice can be heard and we take that for granted. They would be so disappointed. But it’s not too late to change. Show them that they didn’t die in vain, but instead show them that we are the people they dreamed. 


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